A blog about mental health, finding joy, and living life to its fullest.

New Year’s Eve…party or home?

2023, the new year, written in the sand
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

I can probably count on one hand the number of New Year’s Eve nights that I have actually gone out. This year I am spending New Year’s Eve at home by myself. My husband took a week-long trip to visit his sister and her family for Christmas. My daughter and grandson are with her husband’s side of the family for the weekend.

What do you typically do to celebrate this holiday? I know several people who either hold or attend friend parties in which parents and kids all celebrate together. I know other people who dress up and hit the bars/clubs. Most of my closest friends are probably more like me…sitting in their pajamas watching TV. There are some of my friends who I know are most likely already in bed for the night.

I experienced a wave of momentum today to clean and organize. I gathered a nice pile of clothing to donate, swept and mopped the floors in two rooms (to be continued tomorrow), scheduled a grocery pick up, picked up said groceries, picked up takeout for my dinner and removed miscellaneous decorations to put away tomorrow. It always feels good to me to do this kind of organization on the cusp of a new year. Out with the old and in with the new, right?

Auld Lang Syne

Another thing I realized was I found myself humming Auld Lang Syne today. The story behind this Scottish song is two friends meeting up and reminiscing about days gone by. It seems fitting that it has become a song to be sung at midnight as one year turns to the next. I will sing it again at midnight as I step outside to watch the fireworks being shot off by many people in my neighborhood.

Please be safe tonight and Happy New Year 2023!

Please watch for lots of new posts in the next few days. I ask that you pass along the link to my blog as I try to grow my following in the new year. Thanks so much for stopping by!

2 responses to “New Year’s Eve…party or home?”

  1. Sarah Anon Avatar
    Sarah Anon

    I was also just humming Auld Lang Syne recently and wondering about the heritage/origin. I figured it was Gaelic and means Old Times Gone or Old Long Time….something like that. Since I have some Scottish heritage myself, I like that this song is part of American culture. On St. Paddy’s, everyone’s Part Irish and on New Year’s Eve, we all share a Scottish song and get weepy about the passing of the years. : )

  2. cortezl Avatar

    🙂 Thanks for sharing! I like thinking of the United States as a melting pot of culture. We all bring our own unique views and background to the party, so to speak:)

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Lenore Cortez, MSN, RN, PMH-BC

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