A blog about mental health, finding joy, and living life to its fullest.

round chocolate coated pastry on white stick
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Chocolates & Tissues

Two things that almost always help improve a bad or sad mood are chocolates and tissues. I keep both in my office and often have visitors stop by just to pick up a piece of chocolate.

  • First Day of School Jitters

    First day of school jitters are not only for students. Yes, teachers get them, too. This is the start of my 14th year as a university faculty member. I really love teaching. I have always been excited for the beginning of the fall semester and all the hope it brings. This year, however, I feel…

    Read more: First Day of School Jitters
  • New Year, New Focus

    I know, I know, it is a new year and everyone always asks “What did you pick for a resolution?” To put it simply, I never do. They don’t last and my ideas of what is important change by the moment. So, this year I want to change my focus to what is really important…

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  • New Week, New Focus

    As we are on the verge of beginning a new week, I urge you to go forth with new focus and curiosity. So many of us lose focus on what is really important because we are so busy meeting the next deadline. My calendar is bursting at the seams as we hit week 3 of…

    Read more: New Week, New Focus
  • Stop Catastrophizing!

    It has been a long time since I last posted. I feel like the months, and summer since my father’s death have been jumbled. There have been a lot of emotions, activities, and life-changing events. I am one of those people who worry about everything. And, some of those worries get catastrophized beyond need. WE…

    Read more: Stop Catastrophizing!
  • The Aftermath

    Life is sometimes tricky. In the aftermath of two family deaths, two funerals (one I was unable to attend), my daughter and grandson moving to their own place, and planning on how to assist my mom with details to get her set up for a future move I am feeling frazzled. I have been neglectful…

    Read more: The Aftermath
  • Time Passing

    I know there has been a lot of time passing between my posts. I apologize for that. Life has been hectic for the last few weeks as the semester ended. It is incredible the amount of grading that comes with the end of a school year–papers and projects and journal entries and discussion posts. Don’t…

    Read more: Time Passing
  • Writing

    I realize as the days go by that writing is really helpful in getting me out of my head. I have been working on chapters for an online mental health textbook. Yes, chapters, plural. It is exciting and overwhelming all in one. The good thing is that keeping busy is really helpful during the grieving…

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  • Feeling Angry

    I have been feeling angry for the last 4-5 days. I want to yell at everyone and everything! While I am not exactly sure why this is I can surmise that it is related to my dad’s death and the upcoming life transitions that I am processing. Do you ever feel angry for no obvious…

    Read more: Feeling Angry
  • Getting through Grief, What a Girl Wants

    What is grief? How do you measure it? Getting through grief is different for each person experiencing it. There are many causes of grief from losing a loved one to the sadness that comes from a significant life event such as moving far away from family or ending a friendship. No two experiences are the…

    Read more: Getting through Grief, What a Girl Wants
  • Caring About Elderly Parents

    Back at the beginning of February, I wrote a post about caring for elderly parents. Today I want to talk about caring about elderly parents. You see, my father is dying. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but sometime soon. He got home from the hospital about a week after I posted that last blog about…

    Read more: Caring About Elderly Parents

Meet the Blogger

Lenore Cortez, MSN, RN, PMH-BC

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This site is not a replacement for professional help. If you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency please dial 911. If you need to talk to someone call Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): (800) 662-4357. SAMHSA runs a 24-hour mental health hotline that provides education, support, and connections to treatment.

My Happy Place

shallow focus photo of person holding a starfish
Photo by Efe Yağız Soysal on Pexels.com

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