A blog about mental health, finding joy, and living life to its fullest.

Life in the Holiday Fast Lane

As we plummet into the final days before Christmas, which I refer to as life in the holiday fast lane, I can’t help but stop to think about all the people who are struggling this week. I did errands today amongst the increased traffic, crowds of people in the stores, and crying children shopping with their parents. What are we doing to ourselves in the name of holiday joy?

I still need to go grocery shopping. Curbside pickup is pretty painless compared to being in the store. I find that I actually enjoy it so much better than spending an hour in the store, even though it did take some time to get used to this shopping experience. Thank you, COVID. And, better than going up and down the aisles, and inevitably forgetting something I needed to buy. Now I am so much better at planning a menu and buying what I need. No more distractions, overheating from wearing too many layers, or freezing because the A/C is cranked up too high. No exposure to germs. And, I don’t have to worry about how I look. The other day I wore my slippers…no one could see them.

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” –Mother Theresa

I love the giving of myself part of Christmas. My oldest daughter recently texted me a quote, ” As a grown-up, I’ve learned that all the ‘Christmas magic’ I felt as a kid was really a mom who loved me so much.” ~ Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet). I am really touched she is making this connection. Also, I love hearing about all the special things she now does to keep the Christmas magic alive for her three boys. My holiday enjoyment is being paid forward to a new generation.

Holiday Fast Lane Challenge

I challenge you to journey through these next few days with the wonder of a child. Plan special activities with your loved ones. Watch a favorite movie. Have a dance party to Christmas carols. Make a mess in the kitchen baking with your children or grandchildren. Take deep breaths. Rest on the couch with a hot cup of your favorite drink. Put your feet up on the coffee table. Wear your slippers out of the house. Give the gift of memories. Smile.

ethnic parents raising cheerful girl on tree farm roadway
Photo by Any Lane on Pexels.com

Meet the Blogger

Lenore Cortez, MSN, RN, PMH-BC

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This site is not a replacement for professional help. If you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency please dial 911. If you need to talk to someone call Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): (800) 662-4357. SAMHSA runs a 24-hour mental health hotline that provides education, support, and connections to treatment.

My Happy Place

shallow focus photo of person holding a starfish
Photo by Efe Yağız Soysal on Pexels.com

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