A blog about mental health, finding joy, and living life to its fullest.

Holiday Cards

This image contains  a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top and a holiday card in the background.

Some years I really enjoy sending holiday cards. This year I have bought a few individual cards for people that I know would really miss receiving a card from me. Other than that I am not feeling the pull of sending 40-50 cards with individual notes. I am not the type to just sign the card and put it in the envelope. Nope. I write a personal note on each card I send. I used to always push to get my cards out right after Thanksgiving as I wanted to be the first card everyone received.

I am leaning towards maybe sending Happy New Year cards. My aunt sends out a newsletter each January. It includes family photos and tales of adventures she has taken during the previous year. It is a really nice way to “catch up” with her.

This year, especially, it feels like January will need some kind of focus for me. After Saturday I will have 5 weeks off until the spring semester begins. I will spend time updating my courses but I don’t have any brand new courses to create so that cuts down on the amount of preparation.

Once the holidays are Over

I always hate how dull everything looks once the Christmas lights are taken down around my neighborhood. Right now it is really cheery looking down the street at night. Then the indoor decorations come down. Sometimes that feels good. I move around the furniture or change out decor items, but a lot of the time it is sad for me. In NH I always bought a real tree. I loved the tradition of going out to find just the right one. During the first few years of living in Texas, I bought real trees. The problem is that it is so dry here that the tree becomes a tinder box before we even get to December 25. For the past two years, I have had an artificial tree. It has taken getting used to. No more sweeping up pine needles until June:)

I may even design my own Happy New Year cards. Owning a Cricut certainly makes creating more fun. I can be as detailed as I want to be. We shall see how I am feeling about the whole card thing come January. Do you still send out cards? Is it something you enjoy doing or does it seem like a chore? Let me know your thoughts on this subject.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

This is an image of a smiling snowman.
Photo by Adriaan Greyling on Pexels.com

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Lenore Cortez, MSN, RN, PMH-BC

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My Happy Place

shallow focus photo of person holding a starfish
Photo by Efe Yağız Soysal on Pexels.com

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