A blog about mental health, finding joy, and living life to its fullest.

Category: Blog Posts

  • Keeping Anxiety at Bay

    Have you ever experienced a rush of anxiety during a certain situation and had to just breathe through it to get it resolved? Maybe a car cuts you off and you get that awful wave of adrenaline OR a health scare has you on edge. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear,…

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  • Lights, Camera, Action

    I thought it would be fun putting up the outdoor lights this year. Um, no. At least I didn’t have to worry about getting frozen fingers like I used to get in NH. When my daughters were young we would all put up the lights together. There would be the typical grumbling about untangling the…

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  • Time for Baking

    Time for baking…..one of my favorite activities. It is even better around the holidays. I am still trying to learn how to decorate sugar cookies. I want them to look perfectly designed like in the photo above. Mine are not quite at that level YET. I will get there, with some perseverance. What exactly is…

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  • Is it Fate?

    I believe in fate. My husband and I took a day trip today. On the way, we shared our feelings about some recent turmoil within our family. During the last six months, we have stepped up to the plate to help our daughter and grandson through a rough patch. This painting on the wall of…

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  • Love

    Driving home from the library today with my 2-year old grandson in the backseat. I looked in the rear view mirror and said, “I love you!” His tiny voice replied, “Yuv you!” It is the first time he has responded like that to me. My heart is full. Oh, he gives me lots of hugs…

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  • Catch a Falling Star

    Last night I looked out the window by chance and saw the most beautiful falling star. It was huge and slowly falling through the night sky. I was sitting in my living room talking with my daughter. The light caught my eye and I found myself just staring at the window. My daughter asked what…

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  • I Believe

    I just made these worry stones for my senior students, as a reminder to take a moment to believe in themselves as they venture out into the world of nursing. Each stone will be packaged in their own little bag and plan to hand them out in class tomorrow. I love the word “believe.” I…

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  • Just Plain Tired

    The beginning and end of the semester are the busiest times for me. We have just two weeks left of the fall semester and I am TIRED. Not just physically tired but emotionally tired. A lot of effort goes into making my online classroom run smoothly. We use Blackboard as our basis for all courses…

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  • Baking up New Friendships

    So, I love to bake. Yup. I am the one who always takes baked goods to work to share with everyone who is trying to watch their weight. It is a love-hate relationship:) This past summer I began a book club in my neighborhood (I will be writing about that later). I posted an entry…

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  • Giving to Others

    At the end it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back. – Denzel Washington graciousquotes.com It feels great to be able to make something for my students once again. Giving to others feels really good. My…

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Meet the Blogger

Lenore Cortez, MSN, RN, PMH-BC

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This site is not a replacement for professional help. If you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency please dial 911. If you need to talk to someone call Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): (800) 662-4357. SAMHSA runs a 24-hour mental health hotline that provides education, support, and connections to treatment.

My Happy Place

shallow focus photo of person holding a starfish
Photo by Efe Yağız Soysal on Pexels.com

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