A blog about mental health, finding joy, and living life to its fullest.

Catch a Falling Star

This is an image of a falling star.
Photo by Nikita Grishin on Pexels.com

Last night I looked out the window by chance and saw the most beautiful falling star. It was huge and slowly falling through the night sky. I was sitting in my living room talking with my daughter. The light caught my eye and I found myself just staring at the window. My daughter asked what was wrong. I pointed to the window but by that point, the extraordinary view was gone. How I wish I could catch a falling star.

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
~Perry Como

Whenever I see a falling star this song comes to mind. I apply this same philosophy to see others going through a rough time. I try to encourage them to lift themselves up. Again, it is the little things in life that make all the difference. The smile you give to a stranger. The cheery “hello” you say to a passerby. That unexpected compliment you give another person in the checkout lane at the local grocery store. I love doing these things and seeing the reaction of the other person.

Also, I use the experience of seeing a falling star as a moment to remember those loved ones I have lost. I do this because often when I see a falling star it is at the exact moment that I needed a little pick-me-up. The irony is not lost on me. During the holiday season, there are many people struggling to get through the long winter days due to the fact that they have lost someone special in their lives. If someone is curt with you or has a sour look on their face don’t just assume they are being a Scrooge. We don’t know all aspects of other people’s lives. We don’t know what they have just experienced. There is a great short video I like to share in one of my courses. I have posted it below for you to watch.

Remember that sometimes we need the magic of a falling star and other times a falling star needs to be caught before it hits the ground. Think about that a bit:)


One response to “Catch a Falling Star”

  1. Sarah Tambling Avatar
    Sarah Tambling

    Ooh, I like the idea that the falling star needs to be caught. That’s sweet. It’s like Who Saved Who, the SPCA animal or the happy person w the new lil friend.


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Lenore Cortez, MSN, RN, PMH-BC

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My Happy Place

shallow focus photo of person holding a starfish
Photo by Efe Yağız Soysal on Pexels.com

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